Wednesday, July 28, 2010

MEET LITTLE MISS CLAIRE / Hong Kong Newborn Photographer

11 day old Claire was such a delight to capture. She slept in most of the session and really made it through despite of the rain and thunder outside. I am happy to capture her and make use of my newest prop: the hanging basket.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Light and Magic!

I loooove to experiment on photography. There's way too many things you can do with your camera.
This evening, to the delight of my little girl, I created this series of light and magic using a pen light and a flute glass.

To my sis in law, Mary

My sister in law Mary is battling cancer for the second time. I dedicate this image to her as it reminds me that life is beautiful and that it's worth the fight. We are praying for you Mary. We love you.
This photo was taken in Cheng Chau Island, Hong Kong.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Out and about---Cheng Chau Island, Hong Kong

Captured this afternoon while riding the ferry en route to Cheng Chau Island in Hong Kong. I thought this was a wonderful opportunity to photograph the majestic ICC tower (International Commerce Centre) which is the highest building in HK at 464 meters.

My husband Lou is not the type who likes to be photographed, but hey I thought since he works out 2 hours a day, I thought he deserves to be captured this way....dynamic and sporty!
And finally a look at the waters surrounding Cheng Chau Island. We had a fabulous dimsum dinner after a 10 km hike. And what a picturesque scenery to watch after an exhausting day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

LAUREN, 36 WEEKS / Hong Kong maternity photographer

I've been so far behind with posting photos on my blog but I couldn't resist posting these lovely maternity photos of Lauren. She was 36 weeks in a family way in these photos. Let's all wish her and husband all the very best in the arrival of their little one!