I am honored to be invited by Ms. Nicci Button of Community Advice Bureau for their luncheon in her home. I captured the moments during this get together and it was wonderful to meet new friends. Please support Community Advice Bureau (www.cab.org.hk)
I went to St. John's Cathedral a week ago and saw this card on display at their bookstore. I redesigned this graphics for Community Advice Bureau or CAB and I'm very elated that they used it for their business cards. Please support this organization by volunteering. Go to http://www.cab.org.hk/.
It was a pleasure to do the headshot photo session today with board members of American Women's Association of Hong Kong. Doing the light setup and backdrop went smoothly as well as the sessions. Although it was a last minute, three of the members made it to the shoot. For more information and for your support, please visit www.awa.org.hk and help in its causes.
From top to bottom: (Margie, AWA President / Shannon, AWA Ad manager/ Bela, AWA office manager)
I know I'm playing catch up with my blogging, so I'm including my daughter's most recent photo in celebration of her fifth month birthday on July 5th. She also joined the Christian world on the 4th of July (easy to remember). Which makes me think that I should have her Christening photo at some point. I bought a new portrait lens and some cool props to make her photo session extra special.
I'm lately concentrating on baby and children portraiture that I miss doing macro photography. Hence, one weekend I went to Stanley market and purchased a bag of marbles. I was never a marbles fan when I was little, but now as a photographer I appreciate this classic toy.